About Us
Formed in January 2003, Anglopac Construction Group Pty Ltd has formed a strong & reliable company. We are committed to offer quality Civil Construction Services to Local Government, Water Companies, Regional Water and Sewerage Authorities, Statutory Authorities, Developers and other Private Clients and may also be subcontracted. With a combined experience of almost 30 years the Directors have experience in the Civil Construction Industry in the following areas:
- Earthworks
- Pipelines - Sewage, Water, Drainage, Service
- Conduits & Fuel
- Pipe Bridges
- Road Construction - Civil Subdivisional, Main Road & Freeway
- Pavement Construction - Car parks and Hardstand Areas
- Pavement Recycling and Stabilisation
- Pavement Sealing - Sprayed Bitumen, Asphalt and Concrete
- Airport - Resurfacing and or Pavement Construction
- Quarry Materials
- Bituminous Products
- Concrete - Production and Construction
- Plant Hire